Humic Blend 5oz


Note: Rates are VAT Exclusive

5oz for ₱ 830.00

Kelp and Humic Acid produce results during every phase of plant growth, whether that be seed germination, vegetative growth, or budding and flowering. The continued use of Kelp Humic Blend ensures vigorous plant growth at every stage serving as a catalyst for all other nutrients to be absorbed.

5 in stock

SKU: KHBLE5 Category: Tag:


For hydroponics, soil and soil-less:
Mix ¼ to ½ tsp. with one (1) gallon of reservoir water. Foliar applications is the most efficient and effective method. Kelp extracts are 8 to 20 times more effective when applied to the leaves then when broadcast on the soil.

Foliar spray:
Mix ¼ tsp. with one (1) gallon of water. Spray as a fine mist until it drips off the plant surfaces.

For seedlings: 
Mix ¼ tsp. with one (1) gallon of water. For seeds, soak in solution for 30 seconds.

For rooting and transplanting:
Mix ¼ tsp. with one (1) gallon of water. Dip roots, transplants and clones in solution before planting.

When and where to use:
All stages of plant development. Use kelp powder to improve specific growth states. For example, to promote buds, apply kelp when plants are beginning to bud. Use to extend shelf life of fruits and vegetables by spraying 10 days before harvest. To lengthen life of cut flowers, spray 1 to 2 days before cutting. For maximum effectiveness, apply every 4 to 7 days.

Why use it?
Kelp and Humic Acid produce results during every phase of plant growth, whether that be seed germination, vegetative growth, or budding and flowering. The continued use of Kelp Humic Blend ensures vigorous plant growth at every stage serving as a catalyst for all other nutrients to be absorbed.

5oz for ₱ 800.00

Additional information

Weight 300 g