Natures Bio Organic Fertilizer


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₱ 690.00

NaturesBio Organic Fertilizer is a perfect combination of Natural NPK, more than 60 micro nutrients plus Amino Acid essential for plants derived from a 100% natural fermentation of Fish, Kelp and Guano Extracts through Natures Beneficial Microorganism. It is processed under rigid quality control to retain nature’s valuable nutrients. It also contains Plant Growth Hormones (Auxins, Cytokines, and Gibberellins) plus Alginates and Carrageenan from tropical seaweeds and other rich sea minerals important to plant growth and development.

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₱ 690.00

NaturesBio Organic is a perfect combination of Natural NPK, more than 60 micro nutrients plus Amino Acid essential for plants derived from a 100% natural fermentation of Fish, Kelp and Guano Extracts through Natures Beneficial Microorganism. It is processed under rigid quality control to retain nature’s valuable nutrients. It also contains Plant Growth Hormones (Auxins, Cytokines, and Gibberellins) plus Alginates and Carrageenan from tropical seaweeds and other rich sea minerals important to plant growth and development.